I have to admit, I've been a little scared of the technological movement. I mean, where I went to school growing up we were lucky to use a computer at all, let alone have our very own. I don't have very many "WOW THAT WAS AWESOME" technological moments in elementary, middle, or even high school. The coolest use of technology that I can remember happened my freshman year of college.
In one of my very first college classes, attendance was NOT mandatory. I repeat...NOT MANDATORY! For a wee little freshman like me, that was music to my ears. I could stay in bed and study on my own time. I could be one of those college kids that only shows up for tests. COOL. What I didn't know was that I would start to struggle a bit. I began getting Cs and Bs on assignments that I should have been getting As on. Low and behold! My professor decided to start recording his lectures and posting them on WebCT (what EduCat was called at the time). Do you know what this meant for me?! I could listen to lectures without actually having to attend lecture! I downloaded the podcast onto my iPod and listened on my afternoon commute to class. Pretty soon, I was getting the grades I wanted AND staying in bed until hours that would have made my great grandfather roll around in his grave.
And then I lived happily ever after as a student who never had to go to class. Just kidding. That technological advancement in lecture only lasted for the semester. Then I had to grow up and start taking myself a little more seriously. Welcome to college they said. It'll be fun they said. And it was...once I discovered coffee, and the fact that it was actually possible to function as half zombie.
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