Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Michigan Standard 7 Correlations

The Michigan Standard 7 post I made earlier correlated some of the things that were done in ED483 that helped me meet the standards. These are the remaining things that were accomplished that may not have been mentioned in that post.

a. Group presentations (SOPA, PIPA, copyrights, cyberbullying), video viewed in class about Netiquette, class discussion about student access to the Internet, viewing of “Digital Nation” video, flipped instruction 

b. Blog posts-virtual field trips, forums, Edmodo, web 2.0-screencast, google hangout, peer reviews, youtube videos, Wiki

c. Fizz-Flipped Instruction, Powerpoint on Google, Surveys, Blogger, Everything on our Webpage, Edmodo, Prezi, Moodle, Screencast

d. Flipped Instruction, Grant Writing and Smart Board Lesson

e. Fizz-Flipped Instruction, Smartboard, Google Powerpoint, Screencast, Prezi, Future Classroom Site.

f. Google Forms, Flubaroo, Edmodo, Moodle, Excel for grant application

g.Edutopia, Pinterest (and other social media sites)